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Welcoming Committee Trading Card Spread - Late 2022 - Header Image
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Collect Trading Cards to Enter-To-Win our Yosemite Adventure Contest!

Scroll through the panels below to meet each member of our Welcoming Committee and to find out where along the Fossils to Falls Road Trip you can collect each of their trading cards!

Front and back images of the Mr. Mead The Saber-toothed Cat Welcoming Committee collectible trading card

MR. MEAD, the Saber-toothed Cat, can be found at the Fossil Discovery Center of Madera County, located at 19450 Ave. 21 1/2, Chowchilla.

Now that you know all about the Welcoming Committee animals and where to find their Trading Cards, click HERE to see How to Play and what you can WIN!!

Our annual Visit Yosemite | Madera County Visitors Guide can answer all your questions about visiting California's Gateway to Yosemite. From the park itself to the museums, wineries, art galleries and more throughout Madera County, our guide can help you plan the perfect vacation. Please note that we mail to the USA only, but anyone can download the guide.
Visit Yosemite - Madera County
Oakhurst Visitor Center, 40343 Highway 41, Oakhurst, CA 93644
(559) 683-4636
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7 days a week: 8:30 am to 4:30 pm

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