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California Tourism Is Back

OAKHURST, CA, May 10, 2024—Local tourism spending in Madera County hit $430 million in 2023, and statewide travel spending fully recovered from the pandemic's impacts, according to new economic impact research released today by Visit California. 

Visit California's annual report measuring the economic impacts of tourism showed that travel spending in Madera County supported 4,850 local jobs. Tourism also provided $38 million in local tax revenues to support essential services and programs in the community. 

"Tourism is a pillar to the local economy, not only lifting up local businesses and creating jobs but making Madera County a more dynamic place to live and work," said Rhonda Salisbury, CEO of Visit Yosemite | Madera County. "We are delighted to welcome visitors to experience Yosemite National Park, the Sierra National Forest, beautiful Bass Lake, the Sierra Vista Scenic Byway, and all of the incredible local museums, galleries, dining and shopping in our community, and in doing so, help enrich the quality of life for all residents." 

California's tourism economy produced $150.4 billion in travel spending last year, surpassing the record $144.9 billion spent in 2019. The Economic Impact of Travel in California, prepared by Dean Runyan Associates, detailed spending that is 5.5% higher than in 2019 and 3.2% higher than in 2022. The $12.7 billion in state and local taxes generated by visitors in 2023 marked a 3% increase over 2019. Taxes generated by travel in 2023 saved Californians $966 per household. 

News of travel spending's recovery comes as Visit California launches The Ultimate Playground, its first new brand platform in more than a decade. Grounded in research from the National Institute for Play that traveling is a proven benefit to one's physical and mental well-being, the new brand asserts that California's playful lifestyle and abundant experiences create the ultimate playground. The first spot under the brand platform, can be found here. Take a short quiz to find your play style. 

Our annual Visit Yosemite | Madera County Visitors Guide can answer all your questions about visiting California's Gateway to Yosemite. From the park itself to the museums, wineries, art galleries and more throughout Madera County, our guide can help you plan the perfect vacation. Please note that we mail to the USA only, but anyone can download the guide.
Visit Yosemite - Madera County
Oakhurst Visitor Center, 40343 Highway 41, Oakhurst, CA 93644
(559) 683-4636
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7 days a week: 8:30 am to 4:30 pm

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